Not to give away my age, but I am at a point in my life where I have begun thinking of my own legal future — Why don’t I have a will yet? What would happen to the children? yada yada yada. Coincidentally it’s also the age at which my parents have begun putting their affairs in order, leaving one less thing to worry about as they enjoy the last decades of their lives.
Speaking with friends about those same situations, I seem to be one of the luckier ones. My parents have already arranged for their own advance directives, arranged for Powers of Attorney and even gone so far as to organize electronic data. So, if/when an unfortunate day comes, I am my siblings will be in a good place moving forward.
This article happened to come my way, which I thought would be good to share. If your parents are not quite as forward-thinking as mine have been, hopefully these suggestions here will help get you started.
Information provided by Adele Thonn, Forensic Document Examiner (