Need assistance in locating writing samples for comparison? To better understand all of the intricacies of an individual’s signature, a Forensic Document Examiner will request original documents, or as close to originals as can be found. If scans or faxes can be avoided, it is preferable, as these modes of communication tend to distort the detail of a document’s printed, typed or handwritten matter.

Below please find a list of obvious, and not-so-obvious, documents where writing samples can be found:

Address change forms Affidavits Agreements, business
Agreements, car rental Agreements, financial Agreements, rental
Applications, credit Applications, employment Applications, insurance
Applications, loan Applications, passport Automobile licenses
Bank records Bank safety box records Bibles, family
Bills of sale Birth certificates Business correspondence
Cards, birthday Cards, Christmas Cards, get well
Cards, greeting Checks, business or personal Club records
Contracts Cooking recipes Correspondence, business or personal
Court records Credit cards, receipts Death certificates
Deeds Depositions Diplomas
Drivers licenses Employment records Fingerprint records
Funeral registers Grocery lists Hospital records
Hotel and motel records Investment accounts Leases
Letters Licenses, fishing/hunting Licenses, marriage
Marriage certificates Membership cards Military records
Money orders Mortgages Naturalization papers
Passports Pawnshop records Payroll deduction authorizations
Personal correspondence Post cards Power of Attorney
Receipts Reports, accident Social security cards
Stock transfers Tax returns Time sheets
Travellers cheques Wills