Monthly Archives: May 2013

Qualifying a Witness

Ordway Hilton, one of the country’s foremost experts in the field of document examination, wrote the following in The Scientific Examination of Questioned Documents:

“The most important qualification of a witness is his ability to do the work. There is no school at which a document examiner, unlike an engineer or a doctor, can study to prepare himself…Self-study is the chief means of gaining this special knowledge.”


Information provided by Adele Thonn, Forensic Document Examiner (

State of Florida to Become a “Daubert State”

The Florida House and Senate have passed a Daubert bill, which now apparently awaits only the governor’s signature. Daubert was adopted by Federal Courts in 1993 and requires that expert testimony be proffered by a qualified expert and shown by the proponent of the testimony to be both relevant and reliable.

Information provided by Adele Thonn, Forensic Document Examiner (